Kitchen Remodel

You want a new kitchen or bathroom. Or both! Why? Because yours is out of date. Old design, jam-packed drawers, busted hinges, and slides.

Maybe the wood stain is old. Maybe the countertops are orange (remember the ’70’s?). Or you saw that kitchen on TV…and you want it. A new and improved kitchen or bath remodeled the way you want is a dream come true—your dream come true!

Shouldn’t that be reason enough? Yes—and so why haven’t you pulled the trigger?

Is it because sometimes just improving and updating the look of your living space isn’t enough to move ahead? After all, home remodeling costs some hard-earned money. Is it worth the budget? Is it worth the expense? Can you use a loan or financing options?

Sometimes it can require some short-term inconvenience. After all, you can’t be in there when they have it all ripped apart!

And you have to decide on a dependable, experienced contractor. That’s easier if you already have a relationship with someone you trust. But if you don’t, you’ll need to get some estimates and check the references. At Medina Exteriors & Remodeling, we can make that the easiest part.

Is a nicer look worth the hassle? If you are thinking, “maybe not,” there are more reasons to do it than just for the looks.

Let’s put design aside for now and talk common sense instead.

Here are five real reasons, based on fact and not just look and color, to help you decide to get started with a new kitchen or bath in your home.

Reason 1: Increased Kitchen Functionality

Today’s kitchen cabinets offer new space-saving options. Drawers within drawers—an amazing use of previously wasted space. Optimizing hidden access and unused space with multi-function drawers and cabinets gets things off of your countertops and within reach. Having your kitchen work the way you want it to improves your lifestyle. Remodeling projects can make life better than you ever dreamed…and look great too!

Reason 2: A Better, More Efficient Bathroom

Bathrooms are historically cramped. You and your spouse—and sometimes your kids—all trying to get ready at the same time can be chaotic. Not to mention the overloads on outlets, lack of privacy, or wet and damaged floors. A larger shower or a dual sink can get more living out of the same space. You might even want to take it all out and start over, with a fresh approach to your bathroom living space that will work for everyone! Here are some features that can make your bathroom better, more efficient, and more beautiful:

  • Corner standing showers
  • Dual head showers
  • His and her counter spaces
  • Increased storage space

Reason 3: Safety

We are all getting older. Sometimes the bathroom causes obstacles to healthy and safe living.

Showers can be slippery or hard to get into, and low-seated toilets are going to feel even lower as time goes by. For health, a safer bathroom or kitchen is critical to improving your life. Beautiful and safe walk-in tubs, sit-down showers, or more reachable access to the things you need are critical now and for the long term.

And even if you don’t need these improvements, they can be factored into any beautiful new design. You get to enjoy the fresh, remodeled look today and lean into the safety aspect later when those days come around. That’s a win-win reason for you to make the investment and improve your life while improving your home.

Reason 4: Making the Most of Your Money

Yes, remodeling costs money, and materials are expensive, but they will always go higher. Reset your mind and realize that an investment today saves you more than if you wait until tomorrow. Maybe it’s too soon to say prices are low but don’t wait until next year to look back and realize that is the truth.

The good news is that homes historically increase in value, especially with a smart remodel in the kitchen or bathroom. Even though times might be tough financially, it’s always the right time to invest in a new bathroom or kitchen remodel. So it makes money sense, and it’ll look great!

Reason 5: Improved Quality of Life

Convinced yet? Here’s one more common-sense argument favoring a kitchen or bathroom remodel. We don’t get a second chance at “today.” This is your life; your home is where you live, and you are living now. Enjoy every moment of it! Improving your life by improving your home isn’t something you want to delay. Today matters and should be lived to the fullest. That’s why at Medina Exteriors and Simply Distinct Kitchens and Baths, we say we are “Improving lives by improving homes.”

Consider these down-to-earth, common-sense reasons to improve your home and life with a kitchen or bathroom remodel.

The bonus is…it will be beautiful! Isn’t that what you really want anyway?

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